The little spiky knight
The hedgehog, a very cute animal. Unmistakable with his spiked fur. When dusk falls, he becomes active. It is a loner and loves to eat earthworms and insects. Unfortunately, they find less and less food as the insect die-off progresses. Actually, you should always feed them, but please do it properly. You can find information about this on the web. Definitely no fruit or dairy products or kitchen scraps. They can die from this!
If you see a hedgehog during the day, in winter, or one that doesn’t curl up when threatened, please get help from a good hedgehog helper. These are now available in every city and they can help you with what to do. Most hedgehogs that you meet in winter or during the day are simply hungry because they can’t find enough food. Only take it with you if the hedgehog is injured, otherwise ask first. Especially in summer, hedgehogs are collected again and again, forgetting that they might just have young. So please ask first, then take it with you.
There are always a few hedgehogs romping about on our farm and they gave us quite a fright. They can get very loud when they mate 😉 Also, at night you often meet a hedgehog smacking loudly, or running rustling through the bushes. They are surprisingly quick. We always make sure that we have enough heaps of hedgehogs when autumn is approaching. You are very welcome to plant them in your garden. You help them a lot with it and also save yourself the cleaning up 😉 Simply collect brushwood and sticks and stack them in a pile, together with lots of leaves. In general, untidy gardens help nature and provide habitat for insects and other animals. If you want, you can also set up hedgehog houses. Either build it yourself (instructions can be found online), or buy it. Also, many more people should set up drinking troughs, especially in the warm months. Simply fill up a shallow bowl (so that nobody drowns) with fresh water every day. Gladly also in front of the front door or on the balcony. If you put a few more stones in the bowl, many insects will be happy about it.
So, help the little ones, although they have spikes, they are actually defenseless, especially against cars. If you see someone walking along a road, stop if it’s safe and help. Thanks!